Tuesday, January 06, 2009

3 month catch up

So Dave got a great job offer with my dads company in Caldwell and after much thought, prayer and contemplation we decided to quit law school and Spokane and move to Caldwell. We did that in late November and have been living with my parents since. (We found a house to rent and will move again this Saturday!) Spokane got 50 inches of snow over the holidays so that makes me extra glad we left! So because of the hustle and bustle of moving and the holidays together, I've been preoccupied and have neglected my blog. But it's the first full week of 2009, a great time to repent and come back to my blogging duties!
So here is a little video of Maddy and her early days of walking! isn't she cute?

Thank you to all who thought of Maddy on her birthday and Christmas! this car was a gift from her grandma and grandpa Hughes and all her aunts and uncles on that side. As you can tell in this picture, she's ecstatic about all her new toys!

Her Newest skill she has learned is the art of dipping. She learned this at a Mexican restaurant in Caldwell. She saw us dipping the tortilla chips in the salsa and for the rest of the night she was dipping chips herself. Now whenever we go to a restaurant she has to dip. It doesn't matter if it's a chip in dip or a crayon in her drink.

Christmas was great. I don't have pictures of this, but on Christmas eve my extended family gets together for a party. During the party Santa always comes over to give us gifts. He calls our names and we come up and sit on his lap. He gives us a gift and we take a picture. Not so unexpectedly, Madison cried when we tried to put her on his lap. She wouldn't have anything to do with him. Well after that traumatic moment, she just played on her own while the rest of us did the Santa thing. When Daddy's turn came up he went to sit on Santa's lap (or rather the armchair of Santa's chair) and when Maddy saw this she let out a cry, ran over to Daddy and grabbed his arm and tried to pull him away. She wouldn't let Dave have anything to do with Santa either. It's nice to know that she is looking out for her daddy.

For the longest time whenever we went to a store we had to pass by the live Elmos' and blow kisses with him. when she opened a live Elmo on Christmas day she squealed and shook her arms in excitement...she loved it.

But she liked all her other toys too.


Taffi said...

yay! you blogged! Maddy is so cute. I'm glad you guys are sticking around for a while.

Anonymous said...

She sure has a great smile! Love that kiddo! And you've been in your house almost two months now. I think it's high time for more blogging. ;)