Friday, October 17, 2008

Well, Sleeping is not going well. I know this isn't what should be going on, but I gave in to her. After a night with many tears from both of us, we decided to keep her in our bed and figure out another way of getting her to her room. The last two nights she's been great because she's back in mommy and daddy's room. The nights where she had to sleep in her crib she was oh so clingy to me all day the next days. So even though it makes me a wishy washy mom, she won this battle. Our Idea for the next attempt, is a little wierd. But at this point, I'll try anything. We're going to get a mat to put in her room on the floor. And then I'll nurse her to sleep on the floor and sneak back to my room. If she wakes up, I'll come back in and nurse her again....fool proof, right? riiight....
In more happier news, Every Friday Maddy and I take a music class. It's called upbeat music together. She absolutly loves it, and this time I got pictures!

This ones a little blurry but it's cute because she decided to become queen of the drum. Looks like she has someone who wants to overthrow her...literally.

We love music class!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that would be why Emmy's room was also the 'guest room' and has our old full-size bed in there... I nursed her to sleep on that and snuck out. Worked for a while, anyway! Hang in there!