Sunday, April 13, 2008

Two More Weeks!

Sorry it's been a while! I've been too busy with school. But, only two weeks left of classes and then graduation! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!
Sweet Baby is growing like crazy. She's already developed a sense of what she likes and what she doesn't like with her taste buds. Grandma and Grandpa and, admittingly, Daddy and I, have introduced her to a world of flavors because she wants to have a taste of whatever we are eating and sometimes it's just too hard to say no. Consequently, she rejected her bland baby cereal the other night I tried to feed it to her.
I took more pics of her eating.

One of her favorite forbidden "people food" is root beer. Mmmmm.

My mom added a new dimenstion to her nursery. Hanging up is her blessing dress, her 1st ballet slippers and a bib we haven't used. Well actually, I keep forgetting that we have bibs and so we haven't used any yet. I always remember about them after half her dinner is on her shirt.

And another feet pic. The oppertunity presented itself and so I had to take advantage.

Things are going well. However,Sweet Baby is sleeping with Daddy and me in our bed, mostly for my convienience of being able to sleep while she eats so I can be well rested for school. But once school is over we want to get her sleeping in her own crib. I don't want to just put her in there and let her cry herself to sleep (we tried that once and an hour and a half later I relented) but we don't know how else we'll be able to get her to sleep by herself. Does anyone have any other suggestions?



Anonymous said...

I can't believe how big she is getting!! Ok, so I see the RootBeer. . .Dave has to start talking to me again now after the "sucker" incident at Christmas...LOL. I'm the wrong one to ask about how to get your kids to sleep by themselves. I was working 18 hour days at the restaurant with both my babies so they always slept with me. Or I would have been up 24/7. Plus it was the only time I got to really just hold and cuddle them as long as I wanted to. And, I'm a firm believer in the European style of a "Family Bed"...I think it raises them to be confident and secure. They still come crawl in bed with me when they want to and I let them. It will end soon enough, I'm sure, sigh. That's one Auntie's opinion. Love you guys! Tammi

Anonymous said...

I'm not much help, either. Sweet Girl usually ends up in our bed.

And why am I not surprised that that poor baby is already a fan of carbonation? LOL With your mom in the house, I can't believe it's just root beer and not diet coke... ;)

Two more weeks, huh? How exciting! But the big question is... then what? Do we get to see you?