Thursday, March 01, 2007

The Day We Found Out

It was Sunday evening on February 18th and I was complaining about bad cramps and not feeling well. Whenever I am feeling out of the ordinary in anyway the first thing that comes to my DH's mind is "You're pregnant!" And every time I have to take a test to ease his mind one way or the other. Oh the dollars we waisted on pregnancy tests!

This day was no different. DH "accused "me of being pregnant and wanted me to take a test. Well last month I missed my period and when I took the test it was negative. I had a few days before the "we can detect pregnancy up to 4 days earlier" guarantee on the pregnancy test box so I told DH that even if I was it would say negative for a few more days. He still wanted me to take one. So to ease his mind (and secretly mine too) I took the test. The drill was the same as always. I saw the one line appear and by the time the moving-line-to-show-it's-working passed where the picture says the second line should be there were no new lines. I was negative again...But guess what? The picture lies. The second line appears much farther from the first on the real test than it shows on the picture of the test!

I didn't know what to say! At first DH and I were trying not to get pregnant because we wanted to finish school. But as soon as I saw the second line a calm peace came over me and I knew it was meant to be. I couldn't think of anything clever to say to DH. Actually, I couldn't think at all. I walked out of the bathroom and just looked at him. He rushed into the bathroom and found the test.

"Honey! You're pregnant!"
I didn't get any sleep that night. I was too excited, nervous, shocked and I honestly thought I was dreaming. The next day I took a second one just to make sure.

Well this last Tuesday I went to the health clinic. I got free prenatal vitamins and a conformation that I am pregnant. I also got into the WIC program which helps with food for poor kids like DH and I and I had to watch a lame video about grocery shopping. They weighed me and saw how tall I was. They took my blood pressure (she said it was great), they pricked my finger, they made me urinate in a cup and they gave me a flu shot!

Next Tuesday I go to my first doctors appointment to see how long I've been pregnant. (With the way my system has been behaving I could have been pregnant before Christmas!) I might even get to see my baby and maybe know if it's a boy or girl...honestly, I don't know how long that takes to tell. I will keep you updated!


Anonymous said...

How fun! I can't wait to read all about your morning sickness, fatigue, hunger pangs, cravings.... lol. Oh, and by the way, you probably won't be able to see if it's a boy or girl until the "big" ultrasound at 18-22 weeks, depending on when your dr does that. The earliest they can tell by ultrasound is 16 weeks. :-) Congrats again!

HookerGirl said...

i'm so excited for you!

Idahomomma said...

I still remember seeing that "double" line over 10 years ago. . .I know exactly how you are feeling right now, total shock, disbelief, excitement and holy terror. LOL. I am so happy for you guys!!! (And, selfishly, US aunties back home who have been whining that Little Man is two and someone better get busy making a baby!!!!!! Congratulations!!

Anonymous said...

This is so exciting! We look forward to all the updates.

Anonymous said...

Congradulations!!!!That's awsome!!! I can't wait to see the baby, and become an aunt!This is sooo exciting!!